In the period of 26-27 February 2014, Tallinn University of Technology from Estonia in cooperation with Moldovan Technology Transfer Network, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI RM), the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Republic of Moldova (AITT), the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development (ODIMM) have organized in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, the practical training titled “Writing and management the innovation and technology transfer projects”. The event was organized in the framework of the Bilateral Technology Transfer Excellence for Moldova (BITTEM) project, financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The BITTEM project, which is a “good governance” project, is aiming at improving the coordination, information flow, transparency, and accountability of the technology transfer process between the most important Moldovan stakeholders and private enterprises, aiming at Public Private Partnerships through quality assurance and standardization.
An important aim of the BITTEM project is to establish Public Private Partnerships and the following Moldovan organization have joined the BITTEM project for that aim:
1. Center of International Projects of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, which made three halls, their audio visual equipment and technical services, free of charge available for the BITTEM training, http://cpi.asm.md/?lang=en
2. Entranse, www.entranse.md
3. DAS Foundation for a Knowledge Based Moldova
The main aim of the envisaged seminar was to train the participants from Moldovan research institutes, universities, SMEs and public authorities in charge with innovation and technology transfer in writing, developing and compiling innovative project proposals in technology transfer field.
100 participants more than originally envisaged participated in an innovation training of Mektory at the Academy of Sciences in Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova, bringing the total number of participants to 250. During the event which was held in the premises of the Academy of Science of Moldova, the participants were trained how to develop project proposals for HORIZON 2020 Programme, and acquired advanced knowledge in the fields of Intellectual Property Rights, Marketing of Innovation, Project management, Technology auditing of Moldovan Clusters, Matchmaking between universities - SMEs - public bodies, access to finance for innovative projects, Project monitoring and Clustering.
In parallel with theoretical and practical knowledge on project development, implementation and monitoring, all the participants in the training had the opportunity to present their own project ideas in pitches of 3 minutes each. 9 Moldovans were selected to participate in the summer school, which will take place in Mektory in August 2014. About 150 Moldovans were awarded a certificate for the successfully completion of the complete course and nearly 40 of them participated in a competition to participate in the summers school.
The Moldovan projects for international collaboration are in the technology-market combinations of:
• Digital libraries
• Pharmaceuticals for cancer suppression
• Environmental monitoring of soils
• Fast-track construction
• Biomass for fuel production
• Health programs
• Medical treatments
• Public administration management
• Energy saving in housing
• Juvenile deviance and delinquency preventive intervention
• Diaspora migration politics
• Creating Clusters
• Distance learning courses
• Advanced HR systems
• Self Healing Construction Materials
• Food safety monitoring
• Apparel design studio
• Virtual Laboratory of Plant Breeding
• Food production technology
• Agricultural techniques and biomarkets
• Furniture production