On 29th April 2013 Moldovan Technology Transfer Network became a full member of ECabit Network which is a part of InfoDev (a partnership of international development agencies, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed in the Global ICT Department (GICT) of the World Bank, one of its key donors and founders.)ECAbit stands for Eastern European and Central Asian Business Incubators and Technology Parks network.Most ecabit network members are located in countries that have been undergoing a transformation from planned to market economies. Strengthening the market orientation, diversification and competitiveness of economies in the East European and Central Asian region by fostering entrepreneurship and innovation on all levels from rural to high tech has become a main feature of this dynamic region in its strategic triangle between the European Union, Asia, and Russia. In many countries, business incubators and technology parks have achieved to initiate government programs addressing the need to build upon strategic strengths of the economies and to develop national and regional innovation clusters. By May 2010, ECAbit counts 49 full members from 21 countries, including associations from Russia, Uzbekistan and the Ukraine representing more than 200 incubators.