The first graduates of the master course “Innovation and Technology Transfer Management” defended their theses. The event took place in the premises of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The course is the result of a pilot program implemented under the TecTNet Project “Technology Transfer Network”, project funded by the EU under the TEMPUS program. This course was developed in a partnership between the State University of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, Agrarian University and State University “A. Russo” from Balti. The course was launched on September 15, 2014 with the aim of preparing specialists in technology transfer and innovation management. The study program lasted 18 months. During the course were studied subjects like Strategic Management, Management and Intellectual Property Right, Data Processing, Applied Statistics, Applied Psychology and Communication Techniques; Technology Management; Marketing and Business Administration, etc. Thesis topic was varied. Many of the works had a practical nature being oriented to the identification of innovative solutions to strengthen the institutional framework in the field of technology transfer, intellectual property and innovation management, creating the premises for the development of innovative infrastructure and development of innovative projects in areas of high interest for the Republic of Moldova. Along with professors from universities in the country, for defending were also present lecturers from EU universities, namely: University of Sannio in Benevento, Italy, Technical University of Iasi, Romania, and University of Košice, Slovakia. Being a pilot program, after completion of the TecTNet Project, the master course can be replicated by universities in the country, enjoying a course curriculum and program, the content of which can be accessed easily on the online platform of the project. As partners of TecTNet Project are also some core institutions of the country, namely: State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) and Non-Governmental Organization “Moldovan Technology Transfer Network” (MTTN).