On 27 February 2015 within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) in collaboration with Moldovan Technology Transfer Network will organize in Chisinau, Moldova, the Final Conference of the Bilateral Technology Transfer Excellence for Moldova (BITTEM), a project financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Estonian Aid Instrument. BITTEM project is a"good governance" project which aims at improving coordination, information flow, transparency and accountability of the technology transfer process between the major stakeholders in Moldova and private enterprises in order to create public-private partnerships through quality assurance and standartization.
At this event it is expected to be signed a Multilateral Cooperation Agreement which will underline the efforts and would coalesce the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova (CCI), the Organization for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (ODIMM), Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) and Moldovan Technology Transfer Network. This fact will strghthen their cooperation in the main programs of the European Commission that support and finance innovation and technology transfer Horizon 2020 and COSME in which the Republic Moldova has as meber status of fuly asocitaed country. In this context all the above mentioned organizations will initiate a joint working group for the development of joint projects that would support the development of synergies which will materialize in tangible and proactive actions which will maintain the European direction of a knowledge-based economy based on technology transfer and innovations.
In this regard, we invite you to the final conference to be held on February 27, 2015 the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Bd. Stefan cel Mare nr. 1, MD-2001 second floor., small hall) starting at 9.00.
We intervene with a kind request to register, no later than February 24, 2015, at the following addresses:
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova: Vitaly Varzari / vitalievar@gmail.com
Technology Transfer Network of Moldova Vitalie Moraru / moraruvtl@gmail.com