Small businesses are the backbone of the European economy. They are major sources of employment and of innovative goods and services. As such, they fulfil a vital role in our current jobs and growth strategy to help the European economy play to its strengths in an increasingly competitive world. The new Enterprise Europe Network is a significant initiative to help small and medium sized enterprises develop their full potential and innovative capacity. By offering high quality and cost-effective services, it aims to make such companies more competitive.
The Network includes more than 600 organisations, including chambers of commerce, regional development agencies and university technology centres, Approximately 4,000 experienced professionals, Operations in more then 50 countries. A full package of services for support of SMEs at their doorstep is being offered in these organisations located all over the EU and even outside the Union.
„Enterprise Europe Network“ combines the advantages of former Euro Info Centers and Innovation Relay Centres. The "no wrong door" principle will be used in the entire network and for each of its partners.
The network partners supply information on, and help in accessing EU policies, programmes and funding opportunities.
• Assist companies in identifying potential commercial partners, especially in other countries,
• Help SMEs develop new products, to access new markets and to inform them about EU activities and opportunities,
• Advise small businesses on technical issues such as intellectual property rights, standards and EU legislation,
• Act as a two-way street between entrepreneurs and EU decision-makers, relaying views in both directions.