In the period of 27 to 28 of March 2014, the Moldovan Technological Transfer Network (MTTN) organized in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, in the premises of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the 1st TecTNet workshop titled “University/enterprises cooperation – knowledge and innovation transfer”.
The main aim of the workshop was to approach important aspects of innovation and technology transfer activities in the context of European integration of the Republic of Moldova, to initiate the collection of needs and experiences from Moldovan companies about technological transfer and university-industry cooperation and to contribute to the development of competences and resources to support the innovation processes in the Moldovan economy.
The event was organized taking into consideration the experiences of the EU countries on innovation support mechanisms which are wide and varied. Based on the assumption that there is a large space for mutual learning and cooperation, the participants to the workshop aimed to identifying possibilities of improvement in specific sectors of Moldovan economy, specifically in technological transfer and innovation.
The workshop was attended by all the TecTNet partners, as well as by some Moldovan SMEs and NGOs that showed their interest in the activities implemented by the project. Thus, VP Holding Moldova, Aselteh, Pantehno-Nord, ENTRANSE, Siva International, TOPAZ, SALONIX-TEH, Mecargo, ELIRI, NVIV-Protectie representatives attended the event with great interest.
In this respect, in the opening of this key-event, MTTN representative highlighted the importance of innovation and technological transfer for Moldova development, as well as the crucial role of the information dissemination about existing opportunities supporting such activities. Taking into consideration that Republic of Moldova is going to sign the association agreement with European Union the president of Moldovan Technology Transfer Network stressed the idea to of how important is the event for all parts and beneficiaries involved in the process. He mentioned that Technology Transfer come as a significant part of Europe 2020 Strategy and only through unity, cooperation and networking we can build not only a economy based on knowledge and innovations but also a knowledge based society.
In order to reach the above mention aim and objectives the agenda the partners from Italy (UniSannio), Portugal (IST), Slovakia (TUKE) and Romania (TUIAS) has shared their institutions’ experience on EU best practices of technological transfer and innovation activities that can be adapted and implemented by Moldova institutions.
In the same context, the key institutions from Moldova responsible for innovation, technology transfer and intellectually property rights, such as Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Republic of Moldova (AITT), The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and ENTRANSE Project representatives reported on the topics concerning opportunities for innovation and technology transfer activities in Moldova, intellectual property rights in Moldova and SMEs current needs and requirements about innovation transfer and cooperation with university.
In order to assess the current situation in Moldova concerning the approached topic, each partner university – Technical University of Moldova, The State Agricultural University of Moldova, The Moldova State University and State University of Balti – has presented a short report focusing on its current activities, capabilities, challenges and requirements about innovation transfer, intellectual property promotion, research results, and cooperation with industry and private sector.
The Agenda focused as well on the discussion regarding the progress of activities within the Work Packages of the TecTNet Project. In this regard, a special attention was concentrated on the current and future activities stipulated in the WP2, WP1, WP5 and WP8. These discussions help understanding better the nature and the content of activities implemented as well as the future steps to be undertaken in order to fulfill all planned activities in the Work Plan.
During the event it was decided that the next workshop will be organized by AITT in the first week of June. It was agreed that the second workshop should be focused on the main stakeholders, and in particular on the Moldovan SMEs, main public authorities, other Moldovan universities etc. Furthermore, the consortium agreed that associate partners should be invited to join in order to extend the impact of the project and to share the ownership of the findings with the Moldovan society.
In conclusion we should underline that the 1st Chisinau workshop which took place between 27 and 28 of March 2014, fulfilled its initial aim as it provided an excellent platform for knowledge, expertise and good practices sharing on technology transfer and innovation between all TecTNet partners, it launched the cooperation with interested Moldovan SMEs and NGOs and enhance the confidence and trust between all the stakeholders involved.