ON THE 18TH OF JANUARY 2022, THE EU4BCC KICK-OFF EVENT TOOK PLACE ONLINE. WITH MORE THAN 100 PARTICIPANTS, THE EVENT PRESENTED THE STATE OF PLAY OF THE PROJECT AND THE UPCOMING ACTIVITIES THAT IT FORESEES. The event started with introductory remarks by Diana Jablonska Head of Unit at DG Near and by Ben Butters, Eurochambres’ CEO. With an audience composed of multiple actors, which included European Commission’s representatives, board of experts, the CCIs in the 5 Consortia, BSOs selected after the first and second call for proposals, and national authorities, the event continued with two informative sessions. The first one focused on the sectorial Consortia, while the second one welcomed the Business Support Organisations whose proposals have been retained for granting after the second call for proposals and presented a few of the selected projects. The EU4BCC Kick-off event finalized with a networking session that allowed all BSOs to meet each other, proving to be an extraordinary success.