The EIT Food Seedbed Incubator Programme is delivered by top EIT Food Partner Universities and Research and Innovation Organisations (Seedbed Hubs), providing their expertise in technology commercialisation and their vast connections with Industry to support researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs launch or progress a commercially viable business based on market need.
From Smart Homes to Smart Cities: Innovation and Technological Integration in Southern Italy
Technological Development and Global Warming Mitigation
Even if the risks of Covid-19 contamination decrease, we still prefer to be careful for everyone's safety. That is why we decided to organise the Smart Building Levante matchmaking event in virtual mode.
On 28th and 29th January 2021, on the occasion of the KLIMAHOUSE DIGITAL EDITION 2021, the EEN Service Bozen/Bolzano organizes the virtual brokerage event KLIMAHOUSE BUSINESS MATCH, the event is coorganised in Moldova by Moldovan Technology Transfer Network.
TechInnovation is a premier technology-industry brokerage event organised by IPI. It brings together international and Singapore technology providers and seekers to explore technology and business collaboration opportunities through open innovation.
Within Pollutec Fair, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes within the Consortium Enterprise Europe Network, will organize the “Green Days” consisting in several integrated activities : prevalidated bilateral meetings, European fundings conference, interclustering meetings, experts meetings and networking activities in environmental and energy sector.
La data de 27 Octombrie 2020, în cadrul proiectului Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Rețeaua de Transfer tehnologic a Moldovei a organizat un seminar tematic în contextul Săptămânii Verde Europene 2020. În cadrul evenimentului au fost abordate acțiunile colective pentru încurajarea tinerilor de a se implica activ sectorul antreprenorial, în combinarea cercetării-inovării cu afacerea ce o dețin și metode de internaționalizare a produselor și serviciilor deținute prin intermediul proiectului EEN.
InvestHorizon fosters the investment readiness of Europe’s ambitious high-tech companies. The Investment Accelerator fast tracks the fund-raising efforts and investment relations for selected companies. InvestHorizon is financed and promoted by the European Commission in association with Eureka and delivered by a consortium, coordinated by Tech Tour.